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Max Associates successfully delivers another community consultation with partner Leisure-net Solutions
As part of the Sport England Strategic Outcomes Planning Model and Leisure Strategy projects, Max Associates has undertaken with Leisure-net seven public consultations in the last year. These help understand local need and identify the reasons and barriers that non-users face to ensure future leisure provision overcomes these barriers and encourages greater participation in sport and physical activity.
The community consultations have been a combination of online ‘have your say’ resident surveys and more in-depth community focus groups which have been promoted via Council networks and social media channels.
Most recently over 1,200 people responded to the online leisure and wellbeing survey for Stroud District Council to help find out what, where and how people use leisure facilities, outdoor space, community and cultural venues and active travel across the district. The survey asked about people’s current habits in participating in leisure and wellbeing activities as well as specific questions on physical activity participation. It also covered the barriers that people face in participating in leisure and wellbeing activities and identified encouragement factors to increase participation.
The analysis from this survey will help inform the Leisure and Wellbeing Strategy to meet the Council’s objectives of working with local communities to ensure everyone has access to good quality leisure opportunities that properly meet their needs now and in the future.
Lisa Forsyth, Director, says “these community consultations have been invaluable for providing feedback and insight into how residents and under-represented groups use and view leisure provision and opportunities to be active in their area. This allows us to advise clients on specific facility and service intervention recommendations for future leisure provision which help overcome barriers to meet Council priorities that can positively impacted by increasing wellbeing and participation in sport and physical activity.”