Local Authority Leisure Services – VAT efficiencies and the rise of the agency outsourcing structure
A year after the previous bulletin on HMRC's revised VAT treatment on in-house leisure services,…
Max Associates is delighted to learn that Cotswold District Council has unanimously adopted the new Cotswold Leisure Strategy at cabinet – March 2021. Max Associates worked with the Council to develop the leisure strategy based on the Sport England Strategic Outcomes Planning Model (SOPM) for the whole district.
Cllr Jenny Forde, Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing, said: “I’m thrilled to announce our new Cotswold Leisure Strategy. Helping residents, businesses and communities access the support they need to ensure a high level of health and well-being is a key priority for the Council and this strategy lays the foundation for the improvements we would like to make.”
Rachel Biles, Strategy & Project Lead (Leisure), Cotswold District Council, said: “In early 2020 Max Associates was commissioned by Cotswold District Council to deliver a leisure strategy following the Strategic Outcomes Planning Guidance (SOPG) to create a clear strategic approach and vision for leisure provision in the Cotswolds up to 2031 incorporating both service and built facilities interventions. This all-new vision for leisure has been designed with a focus on promoting healthy lifestyles and improving wellbeing to provide sustainable physical activity and sport opportunities for residents and local communities in the Cotswolds. The strategy makes many recommendations for improving health and leisure services across the district, including; improving current facilities, putting on additional activities for target groups and supporting local communities to engage with physical activity.”
“The work produced by Max Associates was of an excellent quality and they delivered the project professionally, adapting and finding solutions when timelines and priorities changed during the project due to the pandemic. Mark Steward and Nicky Turnbull did a thorough job of guiding and advising the Council through the SOPG stages including stakeholder workshops, online public consultation, focus groups, a new built facility strategy and overall analysis. We look forward to working with Max Associates again.”