This week, Lisa Forsyth, Managing Director at Max Associates, spoke to Partner Amardeep Gill at…
Lichfield District Council awards Freedom Leisure contract to run leisure centres
The contract to run Lichfield District Council’s two leisure centres Burntwood Leisure Centre and Friary Grange has been awarded to the established trust, Freedom Leisure with a commencement date of 1st February 2018.
Max Associates have been working with officers at Lichfield District Council to deliver a project management role for the procurement of the two leisure centres since 2016.
Lisa Forsyth says: “We’ve enjoyed working with officers at Lichfield District Council and using our procurement experience to enable them achieve the Partnership arrangements now in place. The new agreement will see investment into the main leisure centre, financial savings and a flexible approach in managing Friary Grange which is a school based leisure centre.”
Chris Cook, Head of Leisure & Operational Services, says: “It has been an absolute pleasure to work with Max Associates through the whole procurement process, the level of professionalism has been admirable and robustly applied and LDC are delighted with the outcome. There is no doubt that Max Associates has provided the ideal outcome for Lichfield District Council. With Freedom Leisure we have one the best and most experienced operators in the industry and look forward to establishing the wider benefits of leisure, sport, health and improving the health of the District over the next 10 years.”