Max Associates was appointed to deliver a new Indoor Sports & Leisure Strategy 2022-2032 to provide a framework to ensure that the Council’s indoor sports and leisure provision is able to further increase community physical activity levels, continue to meet current and future demands, contribute to the Council’s commitment to ‘Protect, Care and Invest’ and to ensure every child, young person and adult lives well in their community.
The strategy was taken to cabinet and adopted on the 15th December 2022. Max Associates is providing the Council with an initial business plan for two of the facility recommendations, which will enable them to take the investment projects forward.
“Max Associates was appointed to work with the Council to develop a new Indoor Sports & Leisure Strategy for the Borough. From the very start of the process Max Associates clearly demonstrated that they had listened to and understood exactly what we wanted. Their approach to developing the Strategy, including engaging sector leading consultation specialists, added real value and insight to ensure the final Strategy reflects local priorities. The Strategy connects multiple Council strategies and plans, strengthening the role of Leisure and informing our service and investment planning for the next 10 years. Using sector specific experience and insight they were able to provide a robust assessment of current service provision and future need and identify new ideas and opportunities to explore. I would thoroughly recommend Max Associates for similar projects.”
Stuart Davidson, Service Delivery Manager, Telford & Wrekin Council
Summary of Project
Overview & Methodology
- Strategic Review – Understanding the Council’s key priorities and how leisure can contribute towards them
- Demographic and Health Profile – Completed a catchment analysis to understand key health issues and population statistics that could influence leisure facility provision
- Latent Demand Modelling – Identified the potential fitness membership growth across the sites and the demand for fitness facilities
- Mosaic Mapping – Profile analysis of the existing leisure centre user base was completed and from this we identified which mosaic groups are currently under-represented in the leisure centres
- FPM Runs – Facility Planning Model runs were commissioned to understand the current demand for swimming and sports hall facilities
- NGB Consultation – Consultation with NGBs was undertaken to obtain their local knowledge and overview of supply and demand, the current and future needs along with their priorities for the local area
- Stakeholder Consultation – Engaged with key stakeholders to obtain their views and to give them an opportunity into input into the development of the strategy
- Public Consultation – Online survey and focus groups for local residents which identified the reasons and barriers that non-users face in accessing leisure facilities and what would encourage people to visit the leisure centres and participate in physical activity
- Current Performance Review – Reviewed the performance of the leisure centres which identified areas of strength and opportunities for improvement
- Facility Audit – We visited the Council’s leisure centres and completed a quality audit of the current provision
- Competition Analysis – Assessed the physical activity opportunities in the local area, including commercial leisure such as soft play and climbing
Following the completion of the methodology we consolidated all of the evidence and data to identify the core needs of the Borough and then developed facility intervention recommendations for the Council. The final strategy includes 6 recommendations, including increased studio/flexible space provision, a new swimming pool and incorporation of Padel at Telford Tennis Centre.