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Max Associates developed with the Council and stakeholders, the Active Cotswolds Strategy. To support its delivery, we undertook a leisure management options appraisal, to determine the most suitable delivery model, which would achieve the best outcomes for residents within the reducing financial budget the Council had for the services. This led to the re-procurement of both tenders. We led the project team to develop the contract scope terms for each service. This was undertaken with a cross party Leisure and Cultural Provision Working Group who were key in identifying the key drivers for the new contracts.


Through comprehensive planning, the deadlines for each stage of the procurement were achieved and the Council successfully awarded contracts (both), to Freedom Leisure. The project allowed for a suitable mobilisation period of three months and considered the pre-election period for local elections in 2023.

Freedom Leisure has committed a payment to the Council for the leisure contract, a payment from the Council for the culture contract; overall the Council has achieved an affordable position and improved outcomes for residents.

The leisure contract includes capital investment projects totalling £1.2m to improve gyms, wet changing villages and include a new water play zone at the leisure centres.


Kirsty and Lisa, directors of Max Associates, were a pleasure to work with. Their support on this project has been invaluable and their expertise guided us to the right outcomes for the Council and the wider local community. Their planned approach and foresight of potential issues during the process ensured we delivered a thorough process within the required timescales.”

Rachel Biles, Strategic Project Lead, Leisure, Cotswold District Council

Summary of Project

To deliver the project Max Associates supported the Council to develop the most suitable evaluation framework for each tender, which reflected the financial drivers of the contract, but also the quality and social value the Council wished the service to deliver for local residents.

To maximise potential suppliers, the tenders were advertised as separate contracts, although the tender process ran concurrently.

A key part of the pre-tender activity was developing the service specifications, linked to delivering the outcomes in the Active Cotswolds Strategy which are as below.

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